Artist Statement

Art has always been a way to explore the unknown corners of my mind. I can never predict accurately what a piece will end up looking like, therefore every time I start to work it becomes a new personal discovery, a new adventure.

There are two ways in which I begin a piece, external inspiration, or internal turbulence.

Often it all starts as a simple idea, a thought, or concept; one that I'm eager to explore more thoroughly. This is anything that comes from outside which inspires me to create, all it takes is a white canvas and a small spark of imagination and off I go.

The other kind of painting is that which comes from an overwhelming amount of internal turmoil. Then my mission is to take a cluttered mind and empty it physically onto the canvas. It's a process of moving all thought and confusion, be it bright, colourful and recognizable, or darkly abstract, until my minds a blank slate ready to paint its own picture again.

I'm often inspired by my natural surroundings, the colours, shapes and patterns that are found in nature are often exciting and bold. Other artists that inspire me range from local to those found in Art History 101. Some well known artists I love are, Rothko, Klimt, Rembrandt, and Kandinsky.

As for technical matters, I enjoy using a broad range of materials, mediums and subject matter. This keeps me from feeling restricted and unable to properly represent or share my vision. Also keeping myself open to experimentation has allowed for exponential growth. However I particularly enjoy acrylics for their extreme versatility, and ability to withstand my unorthodox methods.

Go Forth and Create
